Tuesday, December 1, 2015

My Students always amaze me....
Every new year brings new challenges but yet it also brings new students with new stories and new friendships in our classroom.  I am always super proud of my classes and this year brings the same excitement! 

Not only am I there to teach my students, but they are there to teach me and their classmates as well.  This is evident in my "whole brain teaching" technique we are using again this year. It incorporates every student and involves positive relationships between the teacher and students.  I will have a video shortly to show the anticipation with such strategies like:  turn and teach, mirrors, class-class-class, etc.  Instead of being a "boss", we are all being "leaders" in our classroom.  I love to see my class all involved and all teaching each other.  My grade 2's make me so proud each day and I commend them for their hard work with GRIT!  Not only are they the best class ever, they are sensitive to the things going on with each one of us. 

You probably are all aware that I am no longer Ms. Magnus.  Over the fall break, I was married.  My students were so excited when I revealed my new name....Mrs. Kim Beida!  I heard them telling everyone during that whole week...lol.  We had a small, intimate wedding with family and our 4 children.  The importance of having everyone we love being with us during this special day was a blessing. 

What a great new beginning....